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  • Tags: Ferdinand Carrion

Programa di "SHOWTIME" April 3, 1983
1 - Act: Pierewietje - "Was born by the seaside"
2 - com: Richmond - Kentucky Fried Chicken - Match Light - Foto Retina
3 - act: Ferdinand Carrion - "La Radio"
4 - com: Revlon - Playboy Nightclub -…

Programa di "SHOWTIME" Juni 26, 1983 (Nightclub style)
1 - act: Showgirls
2 - com: Richmond - Kentucky Fried Chicken
3 - act: Trio los Arubeños - "Perdon"
4 - com: Aruba Trading Co. store
5 - act: Trio los Arubeños - "Sunchi marduga"
6 -…

Celebracion Himno y Bandera 1984 cu various grupo di baile, cantante, agrupacionan musical y discurso di Betico Croes y Chibi Croes.

Pa mira e video pasa na Archivo Nacional Aruba of bestel via di e-mail na ana[a] / To view or order…
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